Article 2: The Initial Position of the Pieces on the Chessboard

2.1     The chessboard is composed of an 8 x 8 grid of 64 equal squares alternately light (the ‘white’ squares) and dark (the ‘black’ squares).

The chessboard is placed between the players in such a way that the near corner square to the right of the player is white.

2.2     At the beginning of the game White has 16 light-coloured pieces (the ‘white’ pieces); Black has 16 dark-coloured pieces (the ‘black’ pieces).

These pieces are as follows:   
A white kingusually indicated by the symbolK
A white queenusually indicated by the symbolQ
Two white rooksusually indicated by the symbolR
Two white bishopsusually indicated by the symbolB
Two white knightsusually indicated by the symbolN
Eight white pawnsusually indicated by the symbol 
A black kingusually indicated by the symbolK
A black queenusually indicated by the symbolQ
Two black rooksusually indicated by the symbolR
Two black bishopsusually indicated by the symbolB
Two black knightsusually indicated by the symbolN
Eight black pawnsusually indicated by the symbol 

Staunton Pieces

p  Q  K  B  N  R

2.3     The initial position of the pieces on the chessboard is as follows:

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2.4     The eight vertical columns of squares are called ‘files’. The eight horizontal rows of squares are called ‘ranks’. A straight line of squares of the same colour, running from one edge of the board to an adjacent edge, is called a ‘diagonal’.